Segmentr is a package that implements a handful of algorithms to segment a given data set, by finding the change points that maximize the collective likelihood of the segments according to an arbitrary likelihood function. So, the user of this package has to find an adequate likelihood for the segmentation problem to be solved, possibly having to penalize it in order to avoid either an overparametrized or underparametrized model, i.e. one with too many or too few change points, respectively. Also, it’s important to consider the computation time of each algorithm and its trade-offs. This vignette walks rough the main concepts regarding its usage, using historical temperature data from Berlin as an example. For this demo, the following packages will be used:
The berlin
data set, provided in this package, contains
daily temperature measurements from 7 weather stations in Berlin for
every day in the years 2010 and 2011, i.e., a total of 730 days.
Therefore, every element in the data set has a temperature data point
with units in Celsius, such that each of the 730 columns corresponds to
a date, and each of the 7 rows corresponds to the weather station the
data point was measured at. In the table below, it’s possible to see the
first three columns, as well as the last three columns, together with
the respective stations.
as_tibble(berlin, rownames="station") %>%
mutate(`..`="..") %>%
select(station, `2010-01-01`:`2010-01-03`, `..`, `2011-12-29`:`2011-12-31`)
#> # A tibble: 7 × 8
#> station `2010-01-01` `2010-01-02` `2010-01-03` .. `2011-12-29` `2011-12-30`
#> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl>
#> 1 Berlin… -1.6 -1.9 -4.8 .. 6 3.5
#> 2 Berlin… -1.9 -2.3 -4.5 .. 5.2 3.1
#> 3 Berlin… -1.9 -2 -4.6 .. 5.2 3.3
#> 4 Berlin… -1.8 -1.9 -4.8 .. 5.7 3.7
#> 5 Berlin… -1.9 -2.1 -4.6 .. 5 3.3
#> 6 Berlin… -1.5 -2 -4.5 .. 6 3.5
#> 7 Berlin… -1.4 -1.7 -4.3 .. 5.7 3.7
#> # ℹ 1 more variable: `2011-12-31` <dbl>
In order to grasp the behavior of the weather data, we plot the daily average temperature of all the weather stations, i.e., the mean value of each column in the data set as a time series graph in order to observe how the average temperature of Berlin behaves over time.
berlin %>%
colMeans() %>%
enframe("time", "temperature") %>%
mutate_at(vars(time), ymd) %>%
with(plot(time, temperature, cex=0.2))
In the graph, the daily temperatures points alternate in upwards and downwards trends, which suggests it’s possible to fit linear regressions for each of the upwards or downwards trend segments. So, a “linear regression likelihood” function is proposed, which should return a higher value the better a linear regression fits in a given segment. By intuition, we expect the likelihood function to identify segments approximately like presented below.
plot_results <- function(results, data) {
dates <- colnames(data) %>% ymd()
data %>%
colMeans() %>%
enframe("time", "temperature") %>%
mutate_at(vars(time), ymd) %>%
plot(time, temperature, cex=0.2)
abline(v=dates[results$changepoints], col="red", lty=2)
plot_results(list(changepoints=c(200, 360, 570)), berlin)
An adequate likelihood function should be able to rank a given set of possible segments and pick the best one given the evaluation criteria. Since the goal is to select segments with a good linear regression fit, the method’s own standard log-likelihood function, i.e. the negative of the squared sum of residuals, is a good candidate for our segment likelihood function. However, the sum of residuals tend to increase with the amount of points in a segment. Instead, we pick the negative mean of the squared residuals, because it normalizes the likelihoods based on the length of the segment. So, in the equation, Llm is the linear regression likelihood function, X is the set of points that belong to the segment, xi and yi are the points that belong to X for each index i, and f is the best linear regression that fitted the X segment.
$$ L_{lm}(X)=-\sum_{i=1}^n\frac{1}{n}(y_i - f(x_i))^2 $$
A [segment()] likelihood argument requires a function which accepts a
candidate segment matrix, i.e. a subset of the columns in the data set,
and returns the estimated likelihood for the candidate. Therefore, the
function implementation is provided below,
one which obeys the contract by taking a matrix as argument and
returning the negative mean of the squared residuals of a linear
regression over the candidate segment. The likelihoods for a small, a
medium, and a large segment are also provided, in order to compare the
magnitude of likelihood values function for different sizes of
lm_likelihood <- function (data) {
fit <- t(data) %>%
as_tibble() %>%
rowid_to_column() %>%
gather(station, temperature, -rowid) %>%
with(lm(temperature ~ rowid))
-mean(fit$residuals ^ 2)
c(lm_likelihood(berlin[, 2:3]), lm_likelihood(berlin[, 1:150]), lm_likelihood(berlin))
#> [1] -0.02836735 -12.18277010 -68.85184724
With the likelihood function defined, it can now be applied to [segment()] in order to get the segments for the data set. Since the time complexity of the exact algorithm is O(n2) and the number of points in the data set is high, the execution time required for the computation is quite prohibitive. So, for demonstration purposes, we use the hierarchical algorithm, due to its O(nlog (n)). We point the hierarchical algorithm, generally suitable for the [multivariate()] likelihood, assumes the segments’ likelihoods to be structured in a hierarchical manner, with a combination of two neighboring segments having being selected as an intermediate step before evaluating the ideal change points of the data set.
results <- segment(
likelihood = lm_likelihood,
algorithm = "hierarchical"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 19):
#> 1:2
#> 3:6
#> 7:17
#> 18:19
#> 20:21
#> 22:23
#> 24:24
#> 25:26
#> 27:28
#> 29:29
#> 30:31
#> 32:33
#> 34:35
#> 36:37
#> 38:38
#> 39:41
#> 42:43
#> 44:47
#> 48:730
With the results calculated, it’s possible to plot them in the together with the weather data.
From the segments computed using the bare lm_likelihood
function, it’s possible see many very short segments, and a very large
last segment. This is a result of the algorithm used, as well as the
fact the lm_likelihood
function tends to favor very short
segments, as they usually have smaller residual error. So, to not get
segments too short or too long, it’s necessary to penalize the
likelihood function for either extremely short or extremely long
To penalize a likelihood function in the Segmentr context is to decrease the return value of the likelihood function whenever unwanted segments are provided as an input. Typically, this involves penalizing the likelihood function whenever a very short or a very long segment is provided.
One such method is to subtract the output of the likelihood function with a penalty function which is a function of the length of the segment. We propose a penalty function.
$$ p(l) = C_1e^{s_1(l - \frac{L}{2})} + C_2e^{s_2(-l + \frac{L}{2})} $$
The penalty p, function of the segment’s length l, has the property that, for parametrization values C1 > 0, s1 > 0, C2 > 0 and s2 > 0, the penalty is high for values of l neighboring 0, as well as values of l the total length L of the data set. However, penalty is close to its minimum for values of l neighboring $\frac{L}{2}$. To visualize, consider a sample penalty function, with C1 = C2 = 1, s1 = s2 = 0.3 and L = 100, plotted below.
plot_curve <- function(expr, from, to, points = 100, plot_func=plot, ...) {
x <- floor(seq(from, to, length.out = 100))
y <- map_dbl(x, expr)
plot_func(x, y, ...)
plot_curve(~ exp(0.3*(. - 50)) + exp(0.3 * (-. + 50)), from = 0, to = 100, type="l")
Given the penalty function general formula, it’s necessary to adjust
the parameters such the penalty function has a scale compatible with the
likelihood function. The [auto_penalize()] function builds a penalized
version of the likelihood function, by estimating parametrization values
based on sample likelihood values for big and small segments of the data
set provided. The estimated parameters are tunable by adjusting the
and the
, depending on how much small or big
segments, respectively, should be penalized, i.e. the higher the
parameter, the more penalized the related type of segment size is.
Let Ps
be the small_segment_penalty
, Pb be the
, μs be the
average likelihood for the sampled small segments and μb be the
average likelihood for the samples big segments. The relationship
between the parameters is defined in the equations below.
$$ C_1 = \frac{\mu_b}{P_b} \\ s_1 = \frac{4 \log(P_b)}{L} \\ C_2 = \frac{\mu_s}{P_s} \\ s_2 = \frac{4 \log(P_s)}{L} $$
So, a penalized_likelihood
function is created with
[auto_penalize()] and then used with [segment()].
penalized_likelihood <- auto_penalize(berlin, lm_likelihood)
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
results <- segment(
likelihood = penalized_likelihood,
algorithm = "hierarchical"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 6):
#> 1:203
#> 204:268
#> 269:327
#> 328:559
#> 560:644
#> 645:730
With the results, it’s possible to the segments with the weather data.
The function above found two segments, the last of which was still
quite large, which suggests the big_segment_penalty
need to
be increased to avoid that type of segment in the function.
penalized_likelihood <- auto_penalize(berlin, lm_likelihood, big_segment_penalty = 1000)
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
results <- segment(
likelihood = penalized_likelihood,
algorithm = "hierarchical"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 4):
#> 1:239
#> 240:327
#> 328:644
#> 645:730
Again, with the results, it’s possible to the segments with the weather data.
Even with the new adjusted penalized_likelihood
, the
data set isn’t segmented into ideal segments. The reason behind this, as
discusses earlier. So, in order to segment the data ideally, it’s
necessary to evaluate all of the possibilities.
The exact algorithm does precisely compute all of the possibilities, but its O(n2) time complexity is quite prohibitive to run the computation on the entire data set. So we can actually make the computation time tolerable by reducing the granularity of the data, getting the monthly averages for each of the the measurement stations.
The data set needs to be resampled in order to represent the monthly weather averages. It is done by computing the average temperature for each combination of month and weather station. With the granularity reduction, the data set will have 24 columns, one for each month in the two years period comprehended. The plot of the monthly average temperature of the temperatures of all the data points is plotted below.
monthly_berlin <- berlin %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "station") %>%
gather(time, temperature, -station) %>%
mutate(month = floor_date(ymd(time), "month")) %>%
group_by(station, month) %>%
summarize(temperature = mean(temperature)) %>%
spread(month, temperature) %>% {
stations <- .$station
result <- as.matrix(.[, -1])
rownames(result) <- stations
#> `summarise()` has grouped output by 'station'. You can override using the
#> `.groups` argument.
monthly_berlin %>%
colMeans() %>%
enframe("time", "temperature") %>%
mutate_at(vars(time), ymd) %>%
with(plot(time, temperature, cex=0.2))
A new penalized_function
is then built and applied to
the monthly data set using [segment()].
penalized_likelihood <- auto_penalize(monthly_berlin, lm_likelihood, small_segment_penalty = 100)
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
results <- segment(
likelihood = penalized_likelihood,
algorithm = "exact"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 4):
#> 1:6
#> 7:11
#> 12:18
#> 19:24
With the results of the monthly data segmentation, we plot it with the weather data.
With the exact solution, made possible with the granularity reduction, we noticed the data set is segmented closer to what the ideal solution would be, as the algorithm as able to evaluate all of the possibilities.
Take notice the picking of the likelihood just have be able to rank
segments in a desired manner. Therefore, there’s freedom to pick a
non-conventional likelihood function. For example, the R-squared
statistic of the linear regression in each segment is conventionally
used to infer how well the linear model fits the points in the data. It
ranges from zero to one and the closer it is to one, the better it
predicts the points in the data. Therefore, a
is defined and it can be used to figure
what segments better fit linear regressions.
rsquared_likelihood <- function (data) {
as_tibble(t(data)) %>%
rowid_to_column() %>%
gather(station, temperature, -rowid) %>%
with(lm(temperature ~ rowid)) %>%
summary %>%
c(rsquared_likelihood(berlin[, 2:3]), rsquared_likelihood(berlin[, 1:150]), rsquared_likelihood(berlin))
#> [1] 0.98211599 0.76014938 0.03283039
Similar to the previous case, the new
has the highest values for small
segments. Therefore, it needs to be penalized with the
penalized_likelihood <- auto_penalize(berlin, rsquared_likelihood)
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
results <- segment(
likelihood = penalized_likelihood,
algorithm = "hierarchical"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 3):
#> 1:268
#> 269:550
#> 551:730
With the results, we plot it with the weather data.
The default penalized rsquared_likelihood
split the data
set in three segments, reasonably well distributed. Since the penalty
model applied by auto_penalize
apply the least penalty for
values segments closer to about half the total length, increasing the
will have no effect. In fact, smaller
segments are being over penalized. Because of this, it’s necessary to
reduce the small_segment_penalty
penalized_likelihood <- auto_penalize(berlin, rsquared_likelihood, small_segment_penalty = 1.5)
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
results <- segment(
likelihood = penalized_likelihood,
algorithm = "hierarchical"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 6):
#> 1:237
#> 238:364
#> 365:366
#> 367:587
#> 588:724
#> 725:730
With the r_squared_likelihood
results, we plot it with
the weather data.
With the adjusted parameters, the new penalized
was able to segment the data in a more
accurate manner, despite the nature of the hierarchical algorithm. As
discussed previously, we point the hierarchical algorithm is not
adequate for the linear likelihood, as the grouping of neighboring
segments under a macro-segment, an intermediate segment state under the
hierarchical algorithm, has a unattractive likelihood, due to the
presence of alternating trends. Because of this, the macro-segment is
never picked by the algorithm during the computation process, and so the
ideal change points are never picked at their ideal positions. In order
to see it more clearly, take the first 547 data points of the Berlin
data set, roughly one year and a half.
sub_berlin <- berlin[, 1:547]
penalized_likelihood <- auto_penalize(sub_berlin, rsquared_likelihood)
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
results <- segment(
likelihood = penalized_likelihood,
algorithm = "hierarchical"
#> Warning: argument `likelihood` is deprecated; please use `cost` instead.
#> Segments (total of 3):
#> 1:178
#> 179:282
#> 283:547
With the penalized_likelihood
results, we plot it with
weather data.
From the results, we can clearly see the segments do not match our expectations, as the algorithm is not able to bisect a macro-segment before finding the ideal segments in the next algorithm iteration.